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This is a small tool that allows you to calculate the CSS clamp() formula required to smoothly adjust between a minimum and maximum value within a specified screen range. You can use negative values, too, handy in rare situations like margins or absolute positioning!

can be negative (absolute positioning, margins...)

Calculated Result:

clamp(1rem, 0.818rem + 0.91vw, 1.5rem)
Live example

Here's the text - and you can try the formula on me! Remember that 0 and negative numbers set as the minimum value will make me invisible, eh?

Clamps? Fluid typography?

Generating font size variables for a fluid type and spacing scale with CSS clamp() is a blessing. Without relying on media queries, fluid type means defining the font-size value in a way that responds to the viewport size, resulting in a “fluid” reduction - especially for larger text.

In simpler terms, fluid typography makes sure your text always looks good, no matter what device you’re using. A tiny phone, a big computer screen… That’s right: thanks to something called CSS clamp(), the text scales automatically with the screen size!

Complicated formulas? Not again. For those simple scenarios where you just need to adjust between two values in a viewport range, we’ve got a tool for that!

Visual Example

See the Pen Interpolation example by Judit Karamazov (@JuditKaramazov) on CodePen.


After sharing some considerations about fluid typography in responsive design, you will agree that it is a short concept but of utmost importance, just like pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.

As developers, our task should focus not only on providing good code, but also on decoding and simplifying technology to the point that it can be widely used, accessible, effective, and intuitive for everyone. The more people can benefit from our way of understanding the world, the better! Considering that, and even though this tool simply provides you with an interpolation between two values in a specific viewport range, don’t forget that you might have some other tools at your disposal that people might find valuable, too.

Reduce them to the minimum expression and deliver them with the maximum care. This approach is beneficial both for you and us.